- August 29, 2021 by Adrián Corbalán1#Adventure, #SinglePlayer, #Low-Polly, #Portfolio, #Update, #Exploration, #InteractivePortfolio - 0.1.7 - Back to the basics small update Portfolio, small update! 0.1.7 Long time no see! Finally an update with lot of stuff, performance and new features. CHANGELOG 29th August 2021 Added... Continue reading
- April 22, 2021 by Adrián Corbalán3#Adventure, #SinglePlayer, #Low-Polly, #Portfolio, #Update, #Exploration, #InteractivePortfolio, new update! 0.1.6 Hey there! Here we go again! A new update for Portfolio with a lot of stuff! Special thanks for our neighborhood on Twitch! cobra209, 27_y_pico, zirok156, mariamc95, 23_be... Continue reading
- April 07, 2021 by Adrián Corbalán#Adventure, #SinglePlayer, #Low-Polly, #Porfolio, #Update, #Exploration, #InteractivePortfolio, new update! 0.1.4 This time I want to upload some things that I was working on these days. First of all now it’s up to date with Unity 2020.3.0f1, I’ll see how it handle everything. Ano... Continue reading
- January 28, 2021 by Adrián Corbalán#SinglePlayer, #3D, #Adventure, #Action, #Unity, #Short, #Low-Polly, #First-Person🇪🇸 Hello there! He estado trabajando estos días en algunas mejoras en el código. Añadiendo un popup para salir del juego y corrigiendo algunos errores! Espero que os guste, en breves subiremo... Continue reading
- January 15, 2021 by Adrián Corbalán2#3D, #Adventure, #First-Person, #Low-Polly, #SinglePlayer, #Unity, #Interactive, #ExplorationDo you know what’s the game reference? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for playing! 😍 SOCIAL LINKS Linktree Portfolio Reddit Youtube... Continue reading
- January 04, 2021 by Adrián Corbalán2#SinglePlayer, #3D, #Unity, #Adventure, #Portfolio, #First-Person, #Low-PollyHello there! Finally it’s here, my portfolio. I want to create something different and this is the result. It’s just a prototype but enough to understand what I do with Corben Studio and the begin... Continue reading